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On Saturday, your alarm will ring at 7am. This is what you need to do

On Saturday, your alarm will ring at 7am. This is what you need to do
Roll out of bed right away. Do not open Instagram.
Wrap yourself in your dressing gown, shuffle out to the kitchen and flick on the kettle.
Open the fridge. Pull out eggs and spinach and tomatoes and whatever else might be left from last night’s dinner. Cook up a nutritious breakfast.
Sit on the deck and you look out over the trees or the neighbour’s fence or the brick wall of the apartment next door. Let the hot tomato explode down your chin when you bite into it. Wipe your face with the back of your hand.
Don’t touch your phone.
Throw the dishes in the sink and get dressed. Comfortable shoes. A t-shirt, a hoodie, shorts. Today you’re going for a walk.
Pack whatever snacks you can find, a bottle of water, and your Nakie hammock too. Pack activities you enjoy in solitude. A sketchbook, a novel, Solitaire.
Get in the car and blast your favourite music. Shamelessly. Escape the Fate or Maroon 5 or Madonna. Whatever goes. You make the rules.
Drive out to the bush.
Spend the day walking up riverbeds and hopping across boulders. Drink from the streams and lie down on the soft patches of grass you find in the slither of sunlight peeking through the trees.
Don’t touch your phone. Don’t take a photo. You will tell nobody how you have spent your day for it is yours.
String your Nakie hammock between some trees and settle in. Maybe you’ve bought your Nakie Puffy Blanket with you too.
Have a nap. The most glorious nap of your life. Listen to the birds. Smell the gum trees. Breathe in life and breathe out whatever shit might be happening for you at work, or in your mind right now. Breathe all that heat out, out, out. 
After many hours, who knows how many (you’re not counting), meander back to the car. Play your favourite music for the ride again. Maybe slower tempos. Softer music.
Pull into the drive. Wash up the dishes from the morning with care. Order yourself a pizza, or Thai food, or a bowl of soup from the joint down the road for dinner. Eat it slowly.
Do not touch your phone for the rest of the evening. Watch a documentary or read a book or have a long bath.
You are in complete and utter control.
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